Jul 25, 2018 | Media

RARA Announces Military Appreciation Day, Friday September 14



at the 2018 STIHL National Championship Air Races

RENO, Nev. [July 26, 2018] – The Reno Air Racing Association (RARA) is pleased to announce they have named Friday, September 14th as Military Appreciation Day, sponsored by Mercer-Fraser Company. All current and former Active Duty, Reserve and National Guard will receive free admission to the Reserved Seating area with a Military ID or proof of service, if proof of service is not available, there will be a simple questionnaire offered at the box office. Family members of the military community will receive a $10 discount in Reserved Seating tickets when accompanied by a military member.

“We appreciate everything these brave men and women have done to protect our freedom. It’s extremely important to us that they are honored and recognized for their service, and we’re so thankful for Mercer-Fraser Company’s sponsorship,” said Tony Logoteta, COO of RARA. “We are excited to provide our nation’s heroes with the opportunity to enjoy a fun and memorable day at the Races with their families and experience the thrill of watching the world’s fastest motorsport.”

Tickets are on sale for the 55th Annual STIHL National Championship Air Races, scheduled September 12-16, 2018 at Reno Stead Airport. For more information or to volunteer visit airrace.org.


About the Reno Air Racing Association:

The Reno Air Racing Association (RARA), a 501(c)(3), holds the STIHL National Championship Air Races every September just north of Reno. The Reno Air Races have become an institution for northern Nevada and aviation enthusiasts from around the world. Independent economic impact studies have shown that our event generates as much as $91.7 million annually for our local economy. The event features six racing classes, a large display of static aircraft and several military and civilian flight demonstrations. For more information on the STIHL National Championship Air Races, to obtain media credentials, volunteer or purchase tickets for this year’s event, visit www.airrace.org.