Apr 27, 2017 | Media

RARA Announces Aerobatics Performer for 54th National Championship Air Races

Reno, Nev. – The Reno Air Racing Association today announced that Brad Wursten Airshows will perform at the 54th National Championship Air Races this September 13th – 17th in his MXS-R aerobatic aircraft by MX aircraft.

“Brad Wursten brings power and performance to each airshow,” Mike Crowell, President and CEO of the Reno Air Racing Association said. “We are very excited for our fans to be able to watch as Brad pushes the envelope and amazes the crowd while remaining well within his tight margin of safety.”

Wursten’s plane, one of the most highly sophisticated airplanes in the world, features a complete carbon fiber airframe that weighs an impressive 1100 lbs.  The Lycoming engine has 385 HP and can reach a top speed of over 300 MPH, a roll rate at 420 degrees per second, and “G” loading at +/- 15 “G’s”.

Wursten joins previously announced performers the Texas Flying Legends Museum.
