Jul 12, 2023 | Air Race News

Jimmy Cassidy, Ramp Chief, retires after 17 years

After an incredible 46 years with the RARA Towing Group, 17-year Ramp Chief veteran Jimmy Cassidy is retiring from the National Championship Air Races.

Cassidy’s exceptional leadership as Ramp Chief included:

  • The management of ramp pit parking
  • Race plane towing requirements associated with race staging and returning aircraft to their pit area
  • Recovery of disabled aircraft
  • Race plane refueling

Jim has always been a complete team player, committed to ensuring that his team safely accomplished its responsibilities. A year-round contributor to RARA’s complex requirements, he was always available to assist with the planning needs essential to successful execution of the yearly Pylon Racing Seminar and the National Championship Air Races.

Cassidy’s friendly personality and reputation for quick and knowledgeable action have earned him much respect from the racers over the years, with many giving frequent comments and kudos for his right-now response in almost any situation.

Jimmy shared that his time will be spent traveling and enjoying his retirement, and although he’ll miss the work and intensity of the National Championship Air Races, he says he’ll still be around to offer occasional advice and cheer on his team as they carry the torch onward.

He will be greatly missed, but we are thankful for his years of service and for building a team that can carry the torch into the future.