Jun 1, 2015 | Air Race News

Dear Reno Air Racing Fans

 Dear Reno Air Racing Fans:

2015 will be a pivotal year in the history of the Reno Air Racing Association (RARA). Although RARA has enjoyed a remarkable fifty plus year span of operations, the truth is that the organization has financial challenges. The tragic events of 2011 only deepened the fiscal concerns. The board of directors, the staff, and the multitude of volunteers that make sure we have a yearly event are very aware of the current state of affairs. All are working hard to make sure the STIHL National Championship Air Races survives and thrives another fifty years. After restructuring the way RARA is governed and how we conduct business, we have reduced operating expenses very significantly.

We need your support. Attendance is a key factor for our success. This year’s show will be very entertaining. As always, we will feature six competitive race classes flying in a closed pylon contest that is the fastest motor sport in the world. Thanks to a very generous contribution we have managed to secure the performance of the Commemorative Air Force’s Tora, Tora, Tora group. This multi airplane, pyrotechnic show features a powerful history lesson as we celebrate the seventieth anniversary of the end of World War II. Additionally the Breitling Jet Team will be coming to Reno for the very first time performing their seven ship aerobatic routine. There are too many acts to mention all. But it will be fun and different.

The future looks very bright for RARA when we contemplate 2016 and beyond. We have been selected for a performance by the Blue Angels which is always a crowd favorite and a guaranteed increase in attendance. We have also been in numerous discussions about televising the Races in some fashion. Potential sponsors have expressed interest in pursuing this option. We have an amazing organization that is a national treasure. Together we will build the future.

Race On!

John Agather – Chairman of the Board of Directors

Mike Major – Immediate Past Chairman of the Board of Directors